Archive | February, 2013

Pregnancy remarks you hate?

25 Feb

Well, it’s the countdown time!   I am 37 wks. pregnant today..YAY!

I feel every bit of this pregnancy but No I am not over it yet.

I am a little over some of the cliché pregnancy remarks though, such as…”OH! you look like you’re done! You’re ready for baby to come!/You look like you’re ready for baby to be born!” …”Doesn’t she have the look?”

which i typically reply, “Not really, cause then that means there is a baby to care for & right now it’s easier to care for him while letting him grow” 😛

& yet, the comment keeps being repeated by the saaaaaamme person. I’ve begun to view it as the equivalent of, “Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!!” = D

Of all other prego remarks,

“wow! you look ready to pop!”

“whoa, due any day now huh?” (while you are not even close ; P

I don’t mind them, I actually think they’re funny sometimes : D But for some reason being told I look done w my pregnancy when  I still feel fine & say so starts to irk me.

Have you ever been told a pregnancy remark that you hated or loved?

Fisher Price Diapers

14 Feb



5 Stars out of 5

In short, these are GREAT diapers.

Initially, I wasn’t sure about buying/trying these since we never heard of Fisher-Price making diapers. But with a cheaper deal than Pampers I was willing to try them out & they worked great!
The above picture is of a nitetime diaper which is even MORE absorbent than the daytime ones. There is a multi package w nite-time diapers that includes both the daytime & nighttime diapers.
The nighttime diapers are GREAT for overnight or long trips when making stops often is not quite feasible : / We have never had any leaking, even when our son decides to have a growth spurt & sleep longer than usual, I know I can trust this diaper to hold it ALL in! : D
The daytime diapers work equally as well, They hold A LOT & we’ve don’t have to worry about any spillage out of the back.

There is also a size indicator (on the waist showing u too small, big or just right) which is a nice touch.
I guess the only complaint I can make is that u can see the design thru some pants so it looks like the baby’s pants r stained but it’s really not that big of a deal. 🙂
These diapers are a very good buy & WELL worth your money.